PhD student at Center for Surgical Science in Køge


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

A position as PhD student for research in a national implementation of personalized medicine in colorectal surgery is available at Center for Surgical Science (CSS) for a period of 3 years starting from February 2024.

Are you interested in colorectal cancer surgery and data-driven research to optimize surgical outcomes? Then you might be the doctor we are looking for, for a PhD project at Center for Surgical Science at Zealand University Hospital, Køge.
CSS and research
CSS consists of a group of medical doctors and students, molecular biologists, data scientists, bioinformaticians, data engineers, nurses, laboratory technicians, physiotherapists and dieticians. Our aim is to improve the treatment of patients with surgical diseases, minimize morbidity and optimize clinical outcomes. Through a cross-disciplinary research approach, we utilize the full spectrum of the available health information to tailor multi-modal interventions and characterize key issues for patients undergoing surgery in order to individualize pre-, intra- and postoperative treatment.

The benefits of being a PhD student at Center for Surgical Science
At CSS we are engaged in examining innovative interventions before, during and after surgery. We include both clinical and translational research methodologies. As such, CSS is heading international projects concerning the development of personalized medicine in the perioperative period.

Project/job description
We are looking for a skilled doctor for an ambitious PhD project, with an interest in surgery and how surgical trajectories can be tailored to individual patients in order to improve outcomes.
As a PhD student your daily work will be at the Department of Surgery at Zealand University Hospital in Køge. You will be part of a dedicated team that aims to implement evidence-based prehabilitation methods and predictive models on a national scale. You will have direct support from specialists within all the relevant fields at our research unit, and receive aid in how to apply for relevant project approvals and potential funding opportunities.

You will gain knowledge and experience in clinical, translational and big data research.
A detailed plan will be made for your PhD period, and you will be introduced to the department and undergo a thorough training before you start.

• You must hold a master’s degree in medicine.
• Preferably have published before in peer reviewed journals
• Have special interest in performing clinical trials in the field of oncology or surgery.
• You are dedicated, conscientious and thorough in your work
You are required to possess good communication skills in Danish and English and to be a visible, involved participant in the unit’s activities, and willing to engage in collaborations across sectors. Previous experience with clinical research and from clinical research groups is an advantage

Application must include
• Motivation letter
• Curriculum vitae
• Diploma and documentation of education
• Documentation of relevant research experience and/or publications

Application deadline
Please submit your application no later than 08.01.2024.

Terms of employment
The employment is full time, 37 hours per week and we guarantee salary during employment. You must enroll as a PhD student at the Graduate School at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Tuition fee will be covered by Region Zealand.
Medical doctors are employed according to the collective agreement of the Danish Medical Association.

For further information about the position, please contact Professor Ismail Gögenur.

Interviews are expected to be held immediately after deadline.

You can read about Center for Surgical Science here

Om Sjællands Universitetshospital
Sjællands Universitetshospital er Danmarks yngste universitetshospital, og en afgørende brik i Region Sjællands ambitiøse sygehusplan. Vores mission er patienten, og visionen er suveræn kvalitet. I en verden fuld af nye muligheder og forventninger ser vi os som pionerer, der ønsker at definere en ny, bedre og anderledes måde at drive sundhedsvæsenet på.

Sjællands Universitetshospital er over de sidste år etableret som en organisatorisk enhed. Næste trin er den fysiske samling i det nye kvalitetsfondsbyggeri i Køge, som vil skabe rammen for et universitetshospital i fuld skala. Vi er således i gang med at skabe et samlet og bedre sundhedsvæsen for regionens borgere, og en spændende og udviklende arbejdsplads for medarbejderne.

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Region Sjælland, Alleen, 4180 Sorø


Ansøgningsfrist: 08-01-2024; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet