Overlæge kombineret med klinisk professorat i klinisk genetik, Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Consultancy in Clinical Genetics and personalized medicine combined with a clinical professorship (chair) in Clinical Genetics

A clinical position as consultant of Clinical Genetics at the Center for Clinical Genetics and Genomic Diagnostics at Zealand University Hospital is open for appointment from as soon as possible.

The position is combined with a 10-year position as clinical professor of Clinical Genetics at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Region Zealand wishes to strengthen the area of Clinical Genetics and personalized medicine after the gradual establishment of the field in the region since 2015. The genetic focus is of both rare monogenetic diseases and oncogenetic dispositions but with a growing interest in common variants and the effect on risk and treatment and comorbidity. As part of the national strategy for personal medicine with introduction of whole genome sequencing, a further role for the field of clinical genetics has evolved: Education of the relevant clinical specialist doctors in the whole array of clinical areas that are now being offered whole genome sequencing in order to secure the diagnostic process and the necessary patient involvement. By the January 1st the national strategy resulted in a combined Center of Clinical Genetics and Genomic Diagnostics as a new regional construction in Region Zealand, which is in the process of recruiting and establishing itself.

In order to cement the professionalism, the center will now be associated with a chair professorship, which can establish a research function within the specialty and the obvious partners as well as ensure a sufficient role of genetics and genomics in the local medical education in Zealand and in all medical specialties.

It is a requirement that the candidate is accepted both for the position of clinical supervisor and for the professorship.

The team of specialist doctors and genetic counselors at the Center in Roskilde handle the outpatient evaluation of the patients who are referred from the region’s hospitals for evaluation for rare hereditary diseases or for disposition to specific cancers. Molecular biologists are responsible for overseeing the local production of genetic analyses and the clinical interpretation of genetic variation.

With this new position, the Center for Clinical Genetics and Genomic Diagnostics at Zealand University Hospital wishes to strengthen the leadership in clinical research and teaching in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen and especially ensure the important role of genetic information in the transformation into more personalized medicine with regard to screening, diagnostics, and monitoring.

It is a requirement that the applicant is accepted for appointment of both the professorship and the consultancy.

The job posting for the professorship is available from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (http://employment.ku.dk/faculty/)


The Center of Clinical Genetics and Genomic Diagnostics is organised under the Department of Clinical Biochemistry in Zealand University Hospital. The center employs around 30 people either working in clinical genetics or associated areas. A total of 250 people are organised in both Køge and Roskilde

The purpose of the new center is to strengthen and coordinate the citizens of Region Zealand’s access to more precise investigations within the field of personal medicine, including the use of whole genome sequencing. This means faster and more precise diagnostics as well as targeted use of medicine, adapted monitoring and possibly prevention of disease in patients and their relatives. There is close professional collaboration with Clinical Genetics at Rigshospitalet with regard to ongoing education, specialist training and referral of highly specialized patients.

The center also acts as a knowledge base and consulting center for other clinical specialties to evolve into applying better diagnostic evaluations by independently offering patients relevant genetic investigations or risk stratifications using both traditional genetic tests and expected polygenic risk scores. The center thus contains interdisciplinary interpretation functions and has access to diagnostic analysis methods in the molecular biology unit in Clinical Biochemistry and later, after moving to Køge, to the shared laboratory areas.

Clinical functions and focus areas of the department

We want a candidate with a strong professional profile who can support the genetic aspects of diagnostics, risk stratification and prevention in Region Zealand and in the brand new medical education soon to be launched in the Region. Our candidate supports the development of a strong core facility with responsibility to disseminate knowledge in an interdisciplinary fashion. Our candidate acknowledges the potential of use of large sequencing data combined with other clinical data for diagnostics and risk stratification for example by applying polygenic risk score as a risk parameter in the evaluation of patients.

Research and teaching

The appointment includes both the academic obligation, including teaching and guidance and public communication, as well as the clinical obligation corresponding to approximately 50% of the time for clinical work that supports the center’s activities for the entire region.


Applicants must be board-certified specialist in Clinical Genetics.


In order to be considered, the applicant must send an application to both the Faculty (the professorship) and to the hospital (the consultancy) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the professorship. Appointment is conditioned to the fact that the applicant obtains both positions. This also applies to the applicants who are already employed as consultants at Zealand University Hospital.

Salary and conditions of employment as consultant are as agreed between the Danish Regions and the Danish Association of Medical Specialists and between the Capital Region/Region Zealand and University of Copenhagen.

As clinical professor at least 50 % of the working time will be allocated to academic tasks (e.g. research, teaching, evaluation tasks and communication with the public) in agreement with the Head of Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. The remaining time will be allocated for clinical work in agreement with the head Center for Clinical Genetics and Genomic Diagnostics. The clinical professor will receive secretarial or technical support equivalent to 50 % of a full-time secretary position from the center. Additional support and details on the working conditions are to be negotiated with the head of the department of Clinical Biochemistry, Zealand University Hospital

Application procedure

The application must include the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae and a complete list of publications
  • Copy of the authorization certificate for specialist in XX.
  • A description of how the applicant is qualified as
  • Clinical expert
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Manager/administrator/organizer
  • Health advocate
  • Scholar/researcher/teacher
  • Professional

For more information please refer to Sundhedsstyrelsen: The Seven Roles of Physicians.

The closing date for applications is 21.08.23

Further information

For further information please contact Head of Department Karen Søeby tel. + 45 93 57 03 47, or email: kares@regionsjaelland.dk

Information on Terms of employment for the Capital Region: https://www.regionh.dk/english/job/Pages/default.aspx

Information on Terms of employment for Region Zealand: https://www.regionsjaelland.dk/Kampagner/medicaldoctor/Sider/default.aspx

It is a requirement for appointment that the applicant is accepted for both the professorship and the consultancy. In order to be considered the applicant must send two applications: one to the Faculty (the professorship) and one to the hospital (the consultancy) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the consultancy (https://jobportal.ku.dk/videnskabelige-stillinger/?show=159540)

Om Sjællands Universitetshospital
Sjællands Universitetshospital er Danmarks yngste universitetshospital, og en afgørende brik i Region Sjællands ambitiøse sygehusplan. Vores mission er patienten, og visionen er suveræn kvalitet. I en verden fuld af nye muligheder og forventninger ser vi os som pionerer, der ønsker at definere en ny, bedre og anderledes måde at drive sundhedsvæsenet på.

Sjællands Universitetshospital er over de sidste år etableret som en organisatorisk enhed. Næste trin er den fysiske samling i det nye kvalitetsfondsbyggeri i Køge, som vil skabe rammen for et universitetshospital i fuld skala. Vi er således i gang med at skabe et samlet og bedre sundhedsvæsen for regionens borgere, og en spændende og udviklende arbejdsplads for medarbejderne.

Læs mere om Sjællands Universitetshospital på: http://www.regionsjaelland.dk/suh

Se film om Sjællands Universitetshospital:


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Region Sjælland, Alleen 15, 4180 Sorø


Ansøgningsfrist: 21-08-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Ved skriftlig henvendelse: https://www.regionsjaelland.dk/job-og-uddannelse/jobside?hr=show-job/36230&linkref=19783&locale=da_DK

Se mere her: https://job.jobnet.dk/CV/FindWork/Details/5862968

Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet